On the Road in West Virginia: Our 55 Counties is a video documentary of the History and Culture of each West Virginia County in under 10 minutes. Keeping it short, sweet, and entertaining.
The idea of "On the Road in West Virginia: Our 55 Counties" started while Wayne Worth (Creator and Producer of the Project) and his friend, Johnnaston Kimble (Cameraman and Teleprompter Engineer) were volunteering in the 2016 Flood clean up and long-term recovery efforts in Clendenin and Clay Counties. After Wayne would tell Johnnaston about his travels over the past 10-15 years through all of West Virginia's 55 counties and his ongoing passion to learn about a state, which at the age of 11, brought to his life a loving family and community through adoption; Johnnaston told Wayne that he always aspired to travel to all of West Virginia's 55 courthouses and get a picture of each one. Towards the end of their eight month volunteer efforts in the Flood Recovery, Wayne told Johnnaston that he had been itching to travel to all 55 Counties again (which would make his fifth time), but this time he wanted to make short videos about each county, as a way to bring a little piece of home to West Virginian's near and far. Johnnaston agreed to help with the project/hobby and in April of 2017, Wayne took his IPhone (which he uses to film), his beat up $30 tripod, $10 lapel mic, and an $15 cable extension and started this adventure. He would call it "On the Road in West Virginia: Our 55 Counties.

Wayne Worth (Left) and Johnnaston Kimble (Right) volunteering in the 2016 Flood Recovery in Clay County, reinstalling insulation in a crawlspace for a Senior Couple in their 70's.
How is the Project funded?
The project is completely funded by Wayne and Johnnaston. To them, this is more of a hobby they do on their free time and don't seek grants or any other funding. Wayne is a full-time social worker who helps Senior Citizens and Persons with Disabilities in 8 Counties live independently with in-home supports and care. Johnnaston works at an auto body and collision shop in Buckhannon. They both have absolutely no desire to make even a penny from this, as they totally provide these videos to the public, free of charge.

Overall Mission of the Project?
To Wayne and Johnnaston, their mission is to travel to every West Virginia County and explore the many treasures our state has, and also learn a little bit about the history and heritage of each county. For Wayne, he takes pride in sharing the story of each county with fellow West Virginian's near and far. As he says, "What puts a smile on my face is bringing a little piece of home to our wonderful people, whether they have lived here all of their lives, or were born and raised here, but now live in another state. Just receiving comments and personal messages on each Facebook post, on how each segment brings them closer to home within their hearts, makes this wonderful hobby worth doing." For Wayne and Johnnaston, this hobby/project is their gift to West Virginia and her wonderful people!

Johnnaston Kimble (Left) and Wayne Worth (Right) in Buckhannon. (Photo by Beth Henry-Vance, Intermountain Newspaper)
Johnnaston Kimble (Left) and Wayne Worth (Right) in Huntington on West Virginia Day. (Photo by Lori Wolfe, Herald-Dispatch)